If you thought a summer lockdown was bad for people already struggling with mental health, a winter one may well be 10 times worse, especially for your dominatrix, mistress, domme - SUPPORT!
Cold weather, dark nights, limited social contact, not to mention reduced work, unemployment and redudencies.

Please keep in mind the very quiet December period, on the back of the November lockdown, be mindful of those ladies that are self-employed and who will be struggling. Even those who look like they are OK, probably aren't. So always check in with them when you can and offer support.
Dominatrix Mistress Domme Support is as simple as a phone call
The addictions relapse, and overdose rate may have increased by as much as 30% since March 2020. Mental health issues related to the pandemic lockdown are especially hard for people with depression.
Reach out and ask your Mistress if she needs help. Better still invest in her OnlyFans.com, buy her something from her Amazon Wish List, pop some money into her bank or cash in an envelope, through the door will be a welcome gift.
Financial help is always needed for you dominatrix mistress domme - support
SHOUT is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Text: 85258
SAMARITANS provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email or meet someone face to face. Free of chage to telephone: 116 123 (24 hours).

Gentlemen this could mean you too! Reach out if you need support from your dominatrix mistress domme - support.
Personally, I love the quiet and solitude of Lockdown 2. However, I also like to look out for others who are not so positive and balanced. Here if you need me darlings.
Please share using the button below.
From December 1st I will be aiming to lift everyone spirits with a daily Miss Kim Mass Christmas Vlogmas message. Tune in to YouTube or Instagram or Twitter.
Enjoy what I do? Then please support me on Ko-fi and buy me a £3 coffee!
Photographs and films: want to see more of me via my clips site: OnlyFans
Wish List is a great way to show your appreciation of my blogging. Amazon money gift cards are most welcome using kimrub@btinternet.com. Because giving fills you with joy.
Important: the only way to book an appointment or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim by calling on: +44.7729 003220
Miss Kim ?