Careers are never just one thing, a successful career is based on lots of things, but boiled down here are my five pillars to success:
One is SOCIAL. My fetish/BDSM career started with a major 'social' emphasis, as I was a monthly fetish club promoter for 22 years (264 consecutive events). I pretty much went to every other event going. A sociable nature often leads to a larger network of contacts which has been invaluable in both personal and professional spheres. Success here can mean having a rich resource of potential allies, collaborators, thus making me a great mentor in my Mistress Workshop.

My favourite is HOME
Two is HOME. It's an insight into my values, lifestyle, and priorities. I'm very tidy, have a well-organised and clean home...some might suggest I like delegating these tasks! Luxury, comfort and aesthetics mean a lot to me, and I've invested in quality furniture, art and technology. My maisonette gives me enough space to live, and operate a separate play space in central London E2. The presence of personal art, unique decor, or cultural items can show success in personal expression, cultural connection, or the cultivation of a rich personal life, beyond work.
In essence, an amazing home environment can speak volumes about what success means and it reflects my personal values and achievements.
Appearance is part of brand identity
Three is APPEARANCE. AKA confidence and charisma are the body language of style How I carry myself, posture, but also my choice of clothing. It's not just about labels, but how it's how items are put together; vintage, designer, high street and home made. I've just got my sewing machine out again as it's been too long. I studied fashion straight out of school.
Unique Style is my self-expression, creativity, or leadership looks. Choosing the right outfit for different occasions shows an understanding of social cues and environments. It helps to have a lot of clothes. Success is multifaceted, and one's appearance might only tell part of the story.

Success for me is a unique style
Four is TIME. Success often isn't immediate. It's taken me a lifetime to have achieved what I've done. My businesses projects have grown and evolved over the last three decades. Success often compounds over time. Small, consistent efforts have lead to significant achievements, illustrating the power of patience and persistence. Think about the long game that can lead to greater opportunities in the future.
Five is FINANCE. One of the key elements of my success is the ability I've had to control my finances. I've enough money now, and at certain times in my life I've had a lot. What I've always done is invest some for the future. I've never been in any debt ever...well, a mortgage for 16 years! #homeowner #taxpayer #savings

Five pillars to success leads to contentment
In summery, having financial reserves allows me to focus more on professional growth, leisure time or business development rather than survival. Life is sweet.

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Miss Kim 💋