Since I have been a professional dominatrix I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing photographers. Here are my favourite domme photographers who are top class.
Recently I have worked with the lovely Frankinsella, whom I met at Mistress Mika's birthday party. One month later we were doing a shoot in my home. Shortly after he sent me 425 raw images. They are so good I haven't had to retouch any of them! At least a quarter of them are excellent. This is one of my favourites below. He has fast become one of my favourite Domme photographers.

Paris was the location of my shoot in May 2023, with my dear old friend Rachel Calvo. Simply adore this woman, and the photos she takes of me. We always have fun and her manner with me is so relaxing, she gets the best out of me. Another shoot is being organised for autumn 2023. Why not! I'm going to Paris and I have loads of clothes! Plus I get to hang out with one of my favourite people. Here is a blog I wrote about one of the times we worked together.
Domme photographers are many, so when you find a good one it's golden

Plague times meant that I didn't do any shoots for a couple of years, apart from selfies (and I'm not bad at them). However, as soon at the dust settled I organised a shoot with Elena from London Glamour Studios. This was the third shoot we have done together. Again, she is a prolific photographer, and I get ALL the hundreds of shots to play with.
My fav photographers come with great personalities

On Instagram David is Devils Work Photography, we worked together just before the plague. is style has lot of post production and I think his work is very distinctive. I love the images we did together. Plus he is great fun, we laughed loads. Collaborating we came up with some creative shots, like the one below, which was planned and executed to perfection. We had plans to shoot it all again, but the plague years put a stop to that. Here is the blog I wrote about this session.

Your relationship with your TOG should be as good as with your hairdresser
Therefore, the moral of the story is, if you find a good photographer build a relationship and make sure your shoot regularly.
Recognition needs to go to a TOG I met in 2002 called Maria Coletsis. She was the first of my favourite domme photographers. We shot thousands of photos together over a 10+ year period. She really helped me, as I hadn't modelled much before she came along. She gave me confidence. Since then here is a blog about what I have learnt about modelling over the years.

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Miss Kim 💋