Love this film, so I was excited to do a Personal Services film review.
Julie Walters has always ben a favourite actress of mine and she is particularly outstanding as Cynthia Payne (at home below) in Personal Services. Film reviewed for my own pleasure and enjoyment . Also a chance to watch it again and again.

Personal Services Film Review
Personal Services film review, I wrote for myself really, as I enjoyed it so much.
There are actually two films about the life of Cynthia Payne. The first one is Wish You Were Here. I don’t remember too much about that one. It’s Julia Walters that makes this film special for me. She's a national treasure, who did such a brilliantly comical portrayal of Ms Payne.
The story follows Christine Painter AKA Cynthia Payne (Julie Walters) an impoverished waitress desperate for more money. This comes surprising in the shape of prostitute Shirley (Shirley Stelfox) who gives her the idea to boost her earnings by turning her home into a knocking shop, where she offers her own brand of 'personal services'. The 'Popozogolou', a sex act inspired by a brief bargaining dalliance with her landlord of the same name, was made up by the makers of the film!
Packed full of hilarious quotes - Personal Services film review
Soon Ms Payne's new business venture becomes a success and she finds herself catering for the kinky. If the story is true, this means included were barristers and high court judges, military men and Honourable Members of Britain's establishment. She viewed these kinky tastes as harmless and amusing. As Payne said herself; "What's wrong with wanting to slap somebody's bottom once in a while, so long as no harm is done? We all have our peculiarities, we just cover them up, that's all."
Cynthia Payne who has become something of a folk legend for operating what the tabloids called "the House of Cyn," a brothel catering to middle-age and elderly gentlemen with rather specialized tastes. Nicknamed the "Luncheon Voucher Madame" because she sometimes charged as little as you'd pay for a nice plate of sausages-and-mashed, Payne was acquitted on her last charges and greeted outside the law court by a street full of her cheering supporters.

Personal Services film review
Payne had specialties, charging men for the privilege of doing the housework and weeding her garden. Military men and successful businessmen were especially keen for the humiliation; it took their minds off their responsibilities.
Running across many 'nice' gentlemen, an evening at the "House of Cyn" simply involved having a few old friends over who liked a bit of naughtiness, once in a while. She preferred older gentlemen; they caused less trouble and were more grateful.
House maid - Dolly (Danny Schiller) in the toilets scene, is hilarious, "Dolly you've got a willy"! Very 'nudge-nudge-wink-wink' sauciness - they don't make them like that anymore!

Personal Services film review
Hopefully make you want to go and watch it - Personal Services film review.
Watch on YouTube.
My Personal Services film review has my favourite quotes from the film. "Dolly you've got a willy"!

Personal Services Film Review
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